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Cationic Emulsions

A stable dispersion of bitumen in water in the continuous phase.

The type of emulsion being referred to here is cationic bitumen emulsion, which is characterized by a stable dispersion of bitumen in water. The bitumen droplets in this emulsion carry a positive charge due to the NH3+ group cover surrounding them, which enables stability through electrostatic repulsion.
These positively charged bitumen droplets exhibit an affinity for negatively charged aggregates commonly found in India. The process of obtaining this dispersion involves controlled processing of bitumen and water-based solution using a colloidal mill equipped with a high-speed rotor and carefully selected surfactants/emulsifiers. The selection and quality of the emulsifier play a crucial role in ensuring the stability, breaking, and curing of the emulsion when applied to aggregates. Cationic Bitumen Emulsion appears as a chocolate brown, free-flowing substance at normal temperature, but it turns black once it breaks out.
Emulsion breaking occurs when the organic and aqueous phases separate into distinct layers, resulting in the loss of dispersion. Emulsions are classified into different types, such as Rapid Setting-1 (RS-1), Rapid Setting-2 (RS-2), Medium Setting (MS), Slow Setting-1 (SS-1), and Slow Setting-1h (SS-1h), with the breaking time varying based on the specific emulsion designation.
Breaking time is significantly influenced by environmental conditions, including temperature, humidity, and wind velocity. The term "cationic" is derived from the migration of bitumen particles under an electric field, where they move towards the cathode (negative electrode), hence giving the emulsion its cationic name. The cationic emulsifying agent functions similarly to the anionic type, with the negative portion of the head floating in the water and leaving a positively charged head. This imparts a positive charge to all the droplets, resulting in their repulsion and the preservation of distinct bitumen drops in suspension. Cationic emulsifiers typically consist of long chain amines and are suitable for use with siliceous aggregates such as quartzite, sandstone, and granite. During the emulsion production process, the cations are adsorbed by the bitumen droplets, while negatively charged ions remain in the water. Rapid setting emulsions are widely used due to their versatility in various applications. The choice between anionic and cationic bitumen emulsion depends on the mineral composition of the construction aggregates. For silica-rich aggregates with electronegatively charged surfaces, cationic bitumen emulsion is preferred as it facilitates better spreading and binding of bitumen with the aggregates.

Cationic Emulsions Types

Bitumen Emulsion K2

Bitumen Emulsion K2 cationic bitumen emulsion (medium setting) road emulsion that contains 57% bitumen, is black in color and is manufactured strictly as per KS 02-769: 1990 standard.
Bitumen Emulsion K2 are cold applied, liquid bitumen emulsions, used in the construction and repair of pavements, driveways, roads, and highways.

Cationic Bitumen Emulsion K2 Applications

Bituminous-aggregate mixtures
For pavement bases and surfaces:

  • Plant mix (cold): with open-graded aggregate


  • Open-graded aggregate

Bituminous applications

  • Crack Filler

Maintenance mix

  • Immediate use



Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry. Emulsions are less hazardous to use and can be applied in a wider range of conditions.

Application Conditions of Cationic Emulsion Bitumen K2

Bitumen Emulsion K2 must only be applied in dry, frost-free conditions which will remain throughout the film drying period. Temperatures of between 5°C and 35°C should prevail.

Before application drums should be well rolled to agitate contents before use. Cationic emulsions should be applied by brushing with hand broom or squeegee. Spread in one direction only and avoid scrubbing often. It is more practical to apply by spray as this provides a uniform distribution and even film. Spray equipment should conform to BS3136: Specification for Cold Emulsion Spraying Machines for Roads.
Spray evenly to avoid ponding in hollows as this may cause localized “fatting up” of the subsequent courses.


All surfaces must be dry and free from dust, oil, grease, fuel spillage, mud, leaves, etc. In hot weather, it may be advisable to dampen the surface with water in order to retard the loss of water from the emulsion as it cures and to ensure better wetting of the surface by the emulsion. It is essential that the surface is free of standing water prior to and during application.

K2 Packing

Bitumen Emulsion K2 is available in

  • Bulk as IBC Tank, Flexi Tank
  • Reconditioned steel drums 200 lit.
  • New steel drums 200 lit.

Cationic Bitumen Emulsion K2 Specifications

No Property Result
1 Particle charge Pos.
2 Residue on 710 um KS sieve (%)(m/m), maximum 0.05
3 Residue on 150 um KS sieve (g per 100 mL), maximum 0.15
4 Binder content (%)(m/m), minimum 57
5 Viscosity (degrees Engler (°E) at 20°C 10 max
6 Viscosity redwood No. II (s at 85°C)
7 Storage stability (long period test) % water content difference, maximum 2

Bitumen Emulsion K3

Bitumen Emulsion K3 cationic bitumen emulsion (medium setting) road emulsion that contains 57% bitumen, is black in color and is manufactured strictly as per KS 02-769: 1990 standard.
Bitumen Emulsion K3 are cold applied, liquid bitumen emulsions, used in the construction and repair of pavements, driveways, roads, and highways.

Cationic Bitumen Emulsion K3 Applications

Bituminous-aggregate mixtures
For pavement bases and surfaces:

  • Plant mix (cold): with open-graded aggregate


  • Open-graded aggregate

Bituminous applications

  • Crack Filler

Maintenance mix

  • Immediate use


Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry. Emulsions are less hazardous to use and can be applied in a wider range of conditions.

Application Conditions of Cationic Emulsion Bitumen K3

Bitumen Emulsion K3 must only be applied in dry, frost-free conditions which will remain throughout the film drying period. Temperatures of between 5°C and 35°C should prevail.

Before application drums should be well rolled to agitate contents before use. Cationic emulsions should be applied by brushing with hand broom or squeegee. Spread in one direction only and avoid scrubbing often. It is more practical to apply by spray as this provides a uniform distribution and even film. Spray equipment should conform to BS3136: Specification for Cold Emulsion Spraying Machines for Roads.
Spray evenly to avoid ponding in hollows as this may cause localized “fatting up” of the subsequent courses.


All surfaces must be dry and free from dust, oil, grease, fuel spillage, mud, leaves, etc. In hot weather, it may be advisable to dampen the surface with water in order to retard the loss of water from the emulsion as it cures and to ensure better wetting of the surface by the emulsion. It is essential that the surface is free of standing water prior to and during application.

K3 Packing

Bitumen Emulsion K3 is available in

  • Bulk as IBC Tank, Flexi Tank
  • Reconditioned steel drums 200 lit.
  • New steel drums 200 lit.

Cationic Bitumen Emulsion K3 Specifications

No Property Result
1 Particle charge Pos.
2 Residue on 710 um KS sieve (%)(m/m), maximum 0.05
3 Residue on 150 um KS sieve (g per 100 mL), maximum 0.15
4 Binder content (%)(m/m), minimum 57
5 Viscosity (degrees Engler (°E) at 20°C 10 max
6 Viscosity redwood No. II (s at 85°C)
7 Storage stability (long period test) % water content difference, maximum 2

Bitumen Emulsion CRS-1

Bitumen emulsion consists of three basic ingredients: bitumen, water, and an emulsifying agent. Based on specifications it may contain other additives, such as stabilizers, coating improvers, anti-strips, or break control agents. It is well known that water and asphalt will not mix, except under carefully controlled conditions using highly specialized equipment and chemical additives.
Cationic Bitumen Emulsion CRS-1 is a cationic emulsion. Bitumen emulsion CRS-1 are usually made by passing the mixture of hot bitumen and water phase between a rotating disc, cone or wheel and a stator. In the emulsification process, the hot binder is mechanically separated into minute globules and dispersed in water treated with a small quantity of emulsifying agent. The water is called the continuous phase and the globules of the binder are called the discontinuous phase by proper selection of an emulsifying agent and other manufacturing controls.

Cationic bitumen emulsions CRS-1 have a positive charge and hence a direct and very rapid reaction between the emulsion and an aggregate or pavement is possible. The size of the charge or the Zeta potential affects stability, the larger the charge the greater the repulsion, but as the aggregate is negatively charged the higher the zeta potential the more rapid the reaction.
So it is possible to stabilize a cationic emulsion in the same way that makes it a more rapid break. The other mechanism of evaporation is available too but as the emulsion is stabilized this form of break becomes slower. Thus a balance must be struck.After the electrostatic part of the reaction is complete the emulsion will rely on flocculation and coalescence to complete break.
After the break is completed the water must still be completely evaporated for the residual Asphalt to achieve full strength.



Bitumen Emulsion CRS-1 Applications

Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry. Emulsions are less hazardous to use in comparing with the cutback and can be applied in a wider range of conditions. Most CRS-1 applications are listed below:

  • Biturubber (Rubber)
  • Bitumalch (Malching)
  • Prepared cold Mixed Asphalt
  • Bituprime (Prime Coat)
  • Bitucoat (Fog Seal – Seal Coat)

Successful performance of bitumen emulsions requires selecting the proper type and grade for the intended use. Guidelines presented in this chapter should help select the specific grade and type of emulsion to be used.
The first consideration in picking the right type and grade of the emulsion is how the emulsion will be used. Is it for a planned mix (central or mixed-in-place), a recycled mix, or a prime coat application? Is it for some type of surface application, such as a fog seal, slurry seal, micro surfacing, or chip seal? Is it for a maintenance mix? Once this decision is made, other project variables must then be considered. Some other factors that affect the selection are:

• Climatic conditions anticipated during construction. The choice of emulsion grade, the design of mix or treatment, and the selection of construction equipment should be dictated by the conditions at the time of construction.
• Aggregate type, gradation, and availability.
• Contractor or construction equipment availability.
• Geographical location. The hauling distance and, in some cases, water availability are important considerations.

the hauling distance and, in some cases, water availability are important considerations.
• Traffic control. Can traffic be detoured or only controlled through the work area?
• Environmental considerations.
• Proper application for pavement preservation or pavement distresses.
• Traffic type and volume.

While general guidelines can be given for selecting emulsions, laboratory testing is strongly recommended. There is no substitute for a laboratory evaluation of the emulsion and the aggregate to be used. Different types and quantities of emulsion should be tried with the aggregate to find the best combination for the intended use. An experienced technician can determine the type and grade of the emulsion to be used.
Cationic emulsions are preferred for use with negatively charged siliceous aggregates such as quartz, granite, sandstone and river gravel. In general, Cationic emulsions can be used with a wider range of aggregates, will tolerate greater quantities of moisture, and will break at a lower ambient temperature. The main application areas of Emulsion bitumen are surface dressing, tack coats, prime coat, slurry seal, and cold mixing.

Dust control (SS-1, CS-1, CRS-1)
Tack coat (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h, CRS-1)
Prime coat (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h)
Fog seal (SS-1, CSS-1, MS-1-CMS-2, CRS-1)
Penetration prime (SS-1)
Cold mix asphalt, Mulching, Asphalt Sealers (CSS-1)
Chip seal, single, or multiple treatments (RS-1, RS-2, HFMS-1, HFMS-2, HFRS-2, CRS-2, and CRS-2P)
Sand seal (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h, CMS-2s, CRS-1, CRS-2)
Slurry seal (SS-1h, CSS-1h, CSS-1Hp)
Sandwich seal, cape seal, chip seal (CR-2)
Micro surfacing (CQS-1h)
Structural and surface plant mixture (SS-1, SS-1h, HFMS-2s, CSS-1, CSS-1h,)
Stockpiled patching mixture (HFMS-2s, CMS-2s)
In-place road mixing (SS-1, SS-1h, HFMS-2s, HFMS-2, HFMS-2h CMS-2, CMS-2h, CSS-1, CSS-1h)
Crack filler, joint coating (RS-2, HFMS-2h, MS-2, CMS-2h, CRS-2P)
Asphalt sealers, Immediate Maintenance, Stockpile Maintenance Mixes (CMS-2)
Immediate Maintenance (CM2, CM2h)

CRS-1 Advantages

• No petroleum solvent required to liquefy
• Little or no hydrocarbon emissions
•Because of low viscosity of the Emulsion as compared to hot applied Bitumen, The Emulsion has a good penetration and spreading capacity.
• In most cases, used with no additional heat. It does not need any pre-heating. Thus results in the case of handling for the user, besides saving in cost.
• The ability to coat damp aggregate
• Can use cold materials at remote sites. Cold application of Bitumen Emulsion ensures safety to the workforce; it is a user-friendly product. Being cold applied the work progresses much faster.
• Wide variety of emulsion types available today
• Economical
• Free from danger ( for fire )
• Environmental
• Harmless for worker health.
• It can use with moisture aggregates. It can be used even with wet aggregates thus enabling users to carry out work during the monsoon also.
• Application temperature is low and does not need heating while storage and transportation period. For this reason, it provides energy saving.
• Emulgators increase adhesion they effect as anti-stripping agent
• It can use in four seasons. Especially it gives a chance application in the rainy region and it extends application period.
• It has a lot of application area and construction methods.
• Bitumen Emulsion does not require petroleum solvent to make them liquid as in cut back and also it is not required to be heated like normal Bitumen. Thus saving imported petroleum oil or firewood.
• Toxic fumes (Hydrocarbon emission) normally emitted from heated bitumen & cutbacks not present when Cationic Bitumen Emulsion is used, as no heating is required for its application.
• Energy saving & control of pollution & safety:
During the last 10-12 yrs., the country was in the quest for alternatives to Hot Mixing technology especially to save our beleaguered environment besides curbing the use of Imported petroleum oil, and our precious forests supplying firewood. Optimum use of Bitumen-emulsions can preserve Petroleum Oil and in turn, save our Environment and Foreign Exchange.s application.

CRS-1 Packing

Packing of bitumen emulsion CSS-1 is in a new thick steel drum on a pallet to prevent any leak inside of container also bulk in bitutainer and tanker.

Cationic bitumen emulsion CRS-1 Characteristics

Emulsion Type: Rapid-Setting
Grade: CRS-1
Standard: ASTM D 2397M – 13

PropertyProperty  Min Max Test Method
Test on Emulsions
Viscosity, Saybolt Furol at 25 °C, SFS 20 100 ASTM D244
Storage stability test, 24-h, % 1 ASTM D6930
Demulsibility, 35 mL, 0.8 % dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate, % 40 ASTM D6936
Coating ability and water resistance:
Particle charge test Positive ASTM D244
Sieve test, % 0.1 ASTM D6933
Distillation : 
Oil distillate, by volume of emulsion, % 3 ASTM D6997
Residue, % 60 ASTM D244
Tests on residue from distillation test:
Penetration, 25°C (77°F), 100 g, 5 s 100 250 ASTM D5
Ductility, 25°C (77°F), 5 cm/min, cm 40 ASTM D113
Solubility in trichloroethylene, % 97.5 ASTM D2042

Bitumen Emulsion CRS-2

Bitumen emulsion consists of three basic ingredients: bitumen, water, and an emulsifying agent. Based on specifications it may contain other additives, such as stabilizers, coating improvers, anti-strips, or break control agents. It is well known that water and asphalt will not mix, except under carefully controlled conditions using highly specialized equipment and chemical additives.

Cationic Bitumen Emulsion CRS-2
 is a cationic emulsion. Bitumen emulsion CRS-2 are usually made by passing the mixture of hot bitumen and water phase between a rotating disc, cone or wheel and a stator. In the emulsification process, the hot binder is mechanically separated into minute globules and dispersed in water treated with a small quantity of emulsifying agent. The water is called the continuous phase and the globules of the binder are called the discontinuous phase by proper selection of an emulsifying agent and other manufacturing controls.

Cationic bitumen emulsions CRS-2 have a positive charge and hence a direct and very rapid reaction between the emulsion and an aggregate or pavement is possible. The size of the charge or the Zeta potential affects stability, the larger the charge the greater the repulsion, but as the aggregate is negatively charged the higher the zeta potential the more rapid the reaction.

So it is possible to stabilize a cationic emulsion in the same way that makes it a more rapid break. The other mechanism of evaporation is available too but as the emulsion is stabilized this form of break becomes slower. Thus a balance must be struck.After the electrostatic part of the reaction is complete the emulsion will rely on flocculation and coalescence to complete break.
After the break is completed the water must still be completely evaporated for the residual Asphalt to achieve full strength.

Applications Of Cationic Bitumen Emulsion CRS-2

Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry. Emulsions are less hazardous to use in comparing with the cutback and can be applied in a wider range of conditions. Most CMS-2h applications are listed below:

  • Biturubber (Rubber)
  • Bitumalch (Malching)
  • Prepared cold Mixed Asphalt
  • Bituprime (Prime Coat)
  • Bitucoat (Fog Seal – Seal Coat)

Successful performance of bitumen emulsions requires selecting the proper type and grade for the intended use. Guidelines presented in this chapter should help select the specific grade and type of emulsion to be used.
The first consideration in picking the right type and grade of the emulsion is how the emulsion will be used. Is it for a planned mix (central or mixed-in-place), a recycled mix, or a prime coat application? Is it for some type of surface application, such as a fog seal, slurry seal, micro surfacing, or chip seal? Is it for a maintenance mix? Once this decision is made, other project variables must then be considered. Some other factors that affect the selection are:

• Climatic conditions anticipated during construction. The choice of emulsion grade, the design of mix or treatment, and the selection of construction equipment should be dictated by the conditions at the time of construction.
• Aggregate type, gradation, and availability.
• Contractor or construction equipment availability.
• Geographical location. The hauling distance and, in some cases, water availability are important considerations.
the hauling distance and, in some cases, water availability are important considerations.
• Traffic control. Can traffic be detoured or only controlled through the work area?
• Environmental considerations.
• Proper application for pavement preservation or pavement distresses.
• Traffic type and volume.

While general guidelines can be given for selecting emulsions, laboratory testing is strongly recommended. There is no substitute for a laboratory evaluation of the emulsion and the aggregate to be used. Different types and quantities of emulsion should be tried with the aggregate to find the best combination for the intended use. An experienced technician can determine the type and grade of the emulsion to be used.
Cationic emulsions are preferred for use with negatively charged siliceous aggregates such as quartz, granite, sandstone and river gravel. In general, Cationic emulsions can be used with a wider range of aggregates, will tolerate greater quantities of moisture, and will break at a lower ambient temperature. The main application areas of Emulsion bitumen are surface dressing, tack coats, prime coat, slurry seal, and cold mixing.

Dust control (SS-1, CS-1, CRS-1)
Tack coat (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h, CRS-1)
Prime coat (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h)
Fog seal (SS-1, CSS-1, MS-1-CMS-2, CRS-1)
Penetration prime (SS-1)
Cold mix asphalt, Mulching, Asphalt Sealers (CSS-1)
Chip seal, single, or multiple treatments (RS-1, RS-2, HFMS-1, HFMS-2, HFRS-2, CRS-2, and CRS-2P)
Sand seal (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h, CMS-2s, CRS-1, CRS-2)
Slurry seal (SS-1h, CSS-1h, CSS-1Hp)
Sandwich seal, cape seal, chip seal (CR-2)
Micro surfacing (CQS-1h)
Structural and surface plant mixture (SS-1, SS-1h, HFMS-2s, CSS-1, CSS-1h,)
Stockpiled patching mixture (HFMS-2s, CMS-2s)
In-place road mixing (SS-1, SS-1h, HFMS-2s, HFMS-2, HFMS-2h CMS-2, CMS-2h, CSS-1, CSS-1h)
Crack filler, joint coating (RS-2, HFMS-2h, MS-2, CMS-2h, CRS-2P)
Asphalt sealers, Immediate Maintenance, Stockpile Maintenance Mixes (CMS-2)
Immediate Maintenance (CM2, CM2h)

Advantages Of Cationic Bitumen Emulsion CRS-2

• No petroleum solvent required to liquefy
• Little or no hydrocarbon emissions
•Because of low viscosity of the Emulsion as compared to hot applied Bitumen, The Emulsion has a good penetration and spreading capacity.
• In most cases, used with no additional heat. It does not need any pre-heating. Thus results in the case of handling for the user, besides saving in cost.
• The ability to coat damp aggregate
• Can use cold materials at remote sites. Cold application of Bitumen Emulsion ensures safety to the workforce; it is a user-friendly product. Being cold applied the work progresses much faster.
• Wide variety of emulsion types available today
• Economical
• Free from danger ( for fire )
• Environmental
• Harmless for worker health.
• It can use with moisture aggregates. It can be used even with wet aggregates thus enabling users to carry out work during the monsoon also.
• Application temperature is low and does not need heating while storage and transportation period. For this reason, it provides energy saving.
• Emulgators increase adhesion they effect as anti-stripping agent
• It can use in four seasons. Especially it gives a chance application in the rainy region and it extends application period.
• It has a lot of application area and construction methods.
• Cationic Bitumen Emulsion CRS-2 does not require petroleum solvent to make them liquid as in cut back and also it is not required to be heated like normal Bitumen. Thus saving imported petroleum oil or firewood.
• Toxic fumes (Hydrocarbon emission) normally emitted from heated bitumen & cutbacks not present when Cationic Bitumen Emulsion is used, as no heating is required for its application.
• Energy saving & control of pollution & safety:
During the last 10-12 yrs., the country was in the quest for alternatives to Hot Mixing technology especially to save our beleaguered environment besides curbing the use of Imported petroleum oil, and our precious forests supplying firewood. Optimum use of Bitumen-emulsions can preserve Petroleum Oil and in turn, save our Environment and Foreign Exchange.s application.

Packing Of Cationic Bitumen Emulsion CRS-2

Packing of bitumen emulsion CRS-2 is in a new thick steel drum on a pallet to prevent any leak inside of container also bulk in bitutainer and tanker.

Bitumen Emulsion CSS-1

Bitumen emulsion consists of three basic ingredients: bitumen, water, and an emulsifying agent. Based on specifications it may contain other additives, such as stabilizers, coating improvers, anti-strips, or break control agents. It is well known that water and asphalt will not mix, except under carefully controlled conditions using highly specialized equipment and chemical additives.

Cationic Bitumen Emulsion CSS-1
 is a cationic emulsion. Bitumen emulsion CSS-1 are usually made by passing the mixture of hot bitumen and water phase between a rotating disc, cone or wheel and a stator. In the emulsification process, the hot binder is mechanically separated into minute globules and dispersed in water treated with a small quantity of emulsifying agent. The water is called the continuous phase and the globules of the binder are called the discontinuous phase by proper selection of an emulsifying agent and other manufacturing controls.

Cationic bitumen emulsions CSS-1 have a positive charge and hence a direct and very rapid reaction between the emulsion and an aggregate or pavement is possible. The size of the charge or the Zeta potential affects stability, the larger the charge the greater the repulsion, but as the aggregate is negatively charged the higher the zeta potential the more rapid the reaction.

So it is possible to stabilize a cationic emulsion in the same way that makes it a more rapid break. The other mechanism of evaporation is available too but as the emulsion is stabilized this form of break becomes slower. Thus a balance must be struck.After the electrostatic part of the reaction is complete the emulsion will rely on flocculation and coalescence to complete break. After the break is completed the water must still be completely evaporated for the residual Asphalt to achieve full strength.


Bitumen Emulsion CSS-1 Applications

Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry. Emulsions are less hazardous to use in comparing with the cutback and can be applied in a wider range of conditions. Most CSS-1 applications are listed below:

  • Biturubber (Rubber)
  • Bitumalch (Malching)
  • Prepared cold Mixed Asphalt
  • Bituprime (Prime Coat)
  • Bitucoat (Fog Seal – Seal Coat)

Successful performance of bitumen emulsions requires selecting the proper type and grade for the intended use. Guidelines presented in this chapter should help select the specific grade and type of emulsion to be used.
The first consideration in picking the right type and grade of the emulsion is how the emulsion will be used. Is it for a planned mix (central or mixed-in-place), a recycled mix, or a prime coat application? Is it for some type of surface application, such as a fog seal, slurry seal, micro surfacing, or chip seal? Is it for a maintenance mix? Once this decision is made, other project variables must then be considered. Some other factors that affect the selection are:

• Climatic conditions anticipated during construction. The choice of emulsion grade, the design of mix or treatment, and the selection of construction equipment should be dictated by the conditions at the time of construction.
• Aggregate type, gradation, and availability.
• Contractor or construction equipment availability.
• Geographical location. The hauling distance and, in some cases, water availability are important considerations.

the hauling distance and, in some cases, water availability are important considerations.
• Traffic control. Can traffic be detoured or only controlled through the work area?
• Environmental considerations.
• Proper application for pavement preservation or pavement distresses.
• Traffic type and volume.

While general guidelines can be given for selecting emulsions, laboratory testing is strongly recommended. There is no substitute for a laboratory evaluation of the emulsion and the aggregate to be used. Different types and quantities of emulsion should be tried with the aggregate to find the best combination for the intended use. An experienced technician can determine the type and grade of the emulsion to be used.
Cationic emulsions are preferred for use with negatively charged siliceous aggregates such as quartz, granite, sandstone and river gravel. In general, Cationic emulsions can be used with a wider range of aggregates, will tolerate greater quantities of moisture, and will break at a lower ambient temperature. The main application areas of Emulsion bitumen are surface dressing, tack coats, prime coat, slurry seal, and cold mixing.

Dust control (SS-1, CS-1, CRS-1)
Tack coat (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h, CRS-1)
Prime coat (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h)
Fog seal (SS-1, CSS-1, MS-1-CMS-2, CRS-1)
Penetration prime (SS-1)
Cold mix asphalt, Mulching, Asphalt Sealers (CSS-1)
Chip seal, single, or multiple treatments (RS-1, RS-2, HFMS-1, HFMS-2, HFRS-2, CRS-2, and CRS-2P)
Sand seal (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h, CMS-2s, CRS-1, CRS-2)
Slurry seal (SS-1h, CSS-1h, CSS-1Hp)
Sandwich seal, cape seal, chip seal (CR-2)
Micro surfacing (CQS-1h)
Structural and surface plant mixture (SS-1, SS-1h, HFMS-2s, CSS-1, CSS-1h,)
Stockpiled patching mixture (HFMS-2s, CMS-2s)
In-place road mixing (SS-1, SS-1h, HFMS-2s, HFMS-2, HFMS-2h CMS-2, CMS-2h, CSS-1, CSS-1h)
Crack filler, joint coating (RS-2, HFMS-2h, MS-2, CMS-2h, CRS-2P)
Asphalt sealers, Immediate Maintenance, Stockpile Maintenance Mixes (CMS-2)
Immediate Maintenance (CM2, CM2h)

CSS-1 Advantages

• No petroleum solvent required to liquefy
• Little or no hydrocarbon emissions
•Because of low viscosity of the Emulsion as compared to hot applied Bitumen, The Emulsion has a good penetration and spreading capacity.
• In most cases, used with no additional heat. It does not need any pre-heating. Thus results in the case of handling for the user, besides saving in cost.
• The ability to coat damp aggregate
• Can use cold materials at remote sites. Cold application of Bitumen Emulsion ensures safety to the workforce; it is a user-friendly product. Being cold applied the work progresses much faster.
• Wide variety of emulsion types available today
• Economical
• Free from danger ( for fire )
• Environmental
• Harmless for worker health.
• It can use with moisture aggregates. It can be used even with wet aggregates thus enabling users to carry out work during the monsoon also.
• Application temperature is low and does not need heating while storage and transportation period. For this reason, it provides energy saving.
• Emulgators increase adhesion they effect as anti-stripping agent
• It can use in four seasons. Especially it gives a chance application in the rainy region and it extends application period.
• It has a lot of application area and construction methods.
• Bitumen Emulsion does not require petroleum solvent to make them liquid as in cut back and also it is not required to be heated like normal Bitumen. Thus saving imported petroleum oil or firewood.
• Toxic fumes (Hydrocarbon emission) normally emitted from heated bitumen & cutbacks not present when Cationic Bitumen Emulsion is used, as no heating is required for its application.
• Energy saving & control of pollution & safety:
During the last 10-12 yrs., the country was in the quest for alternatives to Hot Mixing technology especially to save our beleaguered environment besides curbing the use of Imported petroleum oil, and our precious forests supplying firewood. Optimum use of Bitumen-emulsions can preserve Petroleum Oil and in turn, save our Environment and Foreign Exchange.s application.

CSS-1 Packing

Packing of bitumen emulsion CSS-1 is in a new thick steel drum on a pallet to prevent any leak inside of container also bulk in bitutainer and tanker.

Cationic bitumen emulsion CSS-1 Characteristics

Emulsion Type: Slow-Setting
Grade: CSS-1
Standard: ASTM D 2397M – 13

PropertyProperty  Min Max Test Method
Test on Emulsions
Viscosity, Saybolt Furol at 25 °C, SFS 20 100 ASTM D244
Storage stability test, 24-h, % 1 ASTM D6930
Particle charge test positive ASTM D244
Sieve test, % 0.1 ASTM D6933
Cement mixing test, %   2.0 ASTM D6935
Residue, % 57 ASTM D244
Tests on residue from distillation test:
Penetration, 25°C (77°F), 100 g, 5 s 100 250 ASTM D5
Ductility, 25°C (77°F), 5 cm/min, cm 40 ASTM D113
Solubility in trichloroethylene, % 97.5 ASTM D2042

Bitumen Emulsion CSS-1H

Cationic Bitumen Emulsion CSS-1h  is a cationic emulsion. Bitumen emulsions CSS-1h are usually made by passing the mixture of hot bitumen and water phase between a rotating disc, cone or wheel and a stator. In the emulsification process, the hot binder is mechanically separated into minute globules and dispersed in water treated with a small quantity of emulsifying agent. The water is called the continuous phase and the globules of the binder are called the discontinuous phase.by proper selection of an emulsifying agent and other manufacturing controls.

Bitumen emulsion consists of three basic ingredients: bitumen, water, and an emulsifying agent. Based on specifications it may contain other additives, such as stabilizers, coating improvers, anti-strips, or break control agents. It is well known that water and asphalt will not mix, except under carefully controlled conditions using highly specialized equipment and chemical additives.

Cationic bitumen emulsions CSS-1h have a positive charge and hence a direct and very rapid reaction between the emulsion and an aggregate or pavement is possible. The size of the charge or the Zeta potential affects stability, the larger the charge the greater the repulsion, but as the aggregate is negatively charged the higher the zeta potential the more rapid the reaction.
So it is possible to stabilize a cationic emulsion in the same way that makes it a more rapid break. The other mechanism of evaporation is available too but as the emulsion is stabilized this form of break becomes slower. Thus a balance must be struck.After the electrostatic part of the reaction is complete the emulsion will rely on flocculation and coalescence to complete break.
After the break is completed the water must still be completely evaporated for the residual Asphalt to achieve full strength.

Bitumen Emulsion CSS-1h ASTM is designed for use in slurry seals and for cold storable mixtures for patching. They are designed for soil stabilization and also suitable for use with cold recycling. These emulsions are tailor made as per quality of aggregates and local site conditions.



Cationic Bitumen Emulsion CSS-1h Applications

Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry. Emulsions are less hazardous to use in comparing with cutback, and can be applied in a wider range of conditions. Most CSS-1h applications are listed below:

  • Biturubber (Rubber)
  • Bitumalch (Malching)
  • Prepared cold Mixed Asphalt
  • Bituprime (Prime Coat)
  • Bitucoat (Fog Seal – Seal Coat)

Successful performance of bitumen emulsions requires selecting the proper type and grade for the intended use. Guidelines presented in this chapter should help select the specific grade and type of emulsion to be used.
The first consideration in picking the right type and grade of the emulsion is how the emulsion will be used. Is it for a planned mix (central or mixed-in-place), a recycled mix, or a prime coat application? Is it for some type of surface application, such as a fog seal, slurry seal, micro surfacing, or chip seal? Is it for a maintenance mix? Once this decision is made, other project variables must then be considered. Some other factors that affect the selection are:

• Climatic conditions anticipated during construction. The choice of emulsion grade, the design of mix or treatment, and the selection of construction equipment should be dictated by the conditions at the time of construction.
• Aggregate type, gradation, and availability.
• Contractor or construction equipment availability.
• Geographical location. The hauling distance and, in some cases, water availability are important considerations.
• Traffic control. Can traffic be detoured or only controlled through the work area?
• Environmental considerations.
• Proper application for pavement preservation or pavement distresses.
• Traffic type and volume.

While general guidelines can be given for selecting emulsions, laboratory testing is strongly recommended. There is no substitute for a laboratory evaluation of the emulsion and the aggregate to be used. Different types and quantities of emulsion should be tried with the aggregate to find the best combination for the intended use. An experienced technician can determine the type and grade of the emulsion to be used.
Cationic emulsions are preferred for use with negatively charged siliceous aggregates such as quartz, granite, sandstone and river gravel. In general, Cationic emulsions can be used with a wider range of aggregates, will tolerate greater quantities of moisture, and will break at a lower ambient temperature. The main application areas of Emulsion bitumen are surface dressing, tack coats, prime coat, slurry seal, and cold mixing.

Dust control (SS-1, CS-1, CRS-1)
Tack coat (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h, CRS-1)
Prime coat (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h)
Fog seal (SS-1, CSS-1, MS-1-CMS-2, CRS-1)
Penetration prime (SS-1)
Cold mix asphalt, Mulching, Asphalt Sealers (CSS-1)
Chip seal, single, or multiple treatments (RS-1, RS-2, HFMS-1, HFMS-2, HFRS-2, CRS-2, and CRS-2P)
Sand seal (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h, CMS-2s, CRS-1, CRS-2)
Slurry seal (SS-1h, CSS-1h, CSS-1Hp)
Sandwich seal, cape seal, chip seal (CR-2)
Micro surfacing (CQS-1h)
Structural and surface plant mixture (SS-1, SS-1h, HFMS-2s, CSS-1, CSS-1h,)
Stockpiled patching mixture (HFMS-2s, CMS-2s)
In-place road mixing (SS-1, SS-1h, HFMS-2s, HFMS-2, HFMS-2h CMS-2, CMS-2h, CSS-1, CSS-1h)
Crack filler, joint coating (RS-2, HFMS-2h, MS-2, CMS-2h, CRS-2P)
Asphalt sealers, Immediate Maintenance, Stockpile Maintenance Mixes (CMS-2)
Immediate Maintenance (CM2, CM2h)

CSS-1h Advantages

• No petroleum solvent required to liquefy
• Little or no hydrocarbon emissions
•Because of low viscosity of the Emulsion as compared to hot applied Bitumen, The Emulsion has a good penetration and spreading capacity.
• In most cases, used with no additional heat. It does not need any pre-heating. Thus results in the case of handling for the user, besides saving in cost.
• The ability to coat damp aggregate
• Can use cold materials at remote sites. Cold application of Bitumen Emulsion ensures safety to the workforce; it is a user-friendly product. Being cold applied the work progresses much faster.
• Wide variety of emulsion types available today
• Economical
• Free from danger ( for fire )
• Environmental
• Harmless for worker health.
• It can use with moisture aggregates. It can be used even with wet aggregates thus enabling users to carry out work during the monsoon also.
• Application temperature is low and does not need heating while storage and transportation period. For this reason, it provides energy saving.
• Emulgators increase adhesion they effect as anti-stripping agent
• It can use in four seasons. Especially it gives a chance application in the rainy region and it extends application period.
• It has a lot of application area and construction methods.
• Bitumen Emulsion does not require petroleum solvent to make them liquid as in cut back and also it is not required to be heated like normal Bitumen. Thus saving imported petroleum oil or firewood.
• Toxic fumes (Hydrocarbon emission) normally emitted from heated bitumen & cutbacks not present when Cationic Bitumen Emulsion is used, as no heating is required for its application.
• Energy saving & control of pollution & safety:
During the last 10-12 yrs., the country was in the quest for alternatives to Hot Mixing technology especially to save our beleaguered environment besides curbing the use of Imported petroleum oil, and our precious forests supplying firewood. Optimum use of Bitumen-emulsions can preserve Petroleum Oil and in turn, save our Environment and Foreign Exchange.

CSS-1h Packing

Packing of bitumen emulsion CSS-1h is in a new thick steel drum on a pallet to prevent any leak inside of container also bulk in bitutainer and tanker.

Cationic Bitumen emulsion CSS-1h Specification

Emulsion Type: Slow-Setting
Grade: CSS-1h
Standard: ASTM D 2397M – 13

PropertyProperty  Min Max Test Method
Test on Emulsions
Viscosity, Saybolt Furol at 25 °C, SFS 20 100 ASTM D244
Storage stability test, 24-h, % 1 ASTM D6930
Particle charge test positive ASTM D244
Sieve test, % 0.1 ASTM D6933
Cement mixing test, %   2.0 ASTM D6935
Residue, % 57 ASTM D244
Tests on residue from distillation test:
Penetration, 25°C (77°F), 100 g, 5 s 40 90 ASTM D5
Ductility, 25°C (77°F), 5 cm/min, cm 40 ASTM D113
Solubility in trichloroethylene, % 97.5 ASTM D2042

Bitumen Emulsion K1-40

Bitumen Emulsion K1-40 is a rapid setting cationic bitumen emulsion is an emulsified asphalt containing minimum 40% bitumen and 60% water. It is a low viscosity emulsion used mainly for tack coating. K1-40 cationic bitumen emulsion is made according to Malaysian Standard MS 1.61 (1994) and British Standard BS 434 Part 1: 1984 Class K1-40. Bitumen emulsion K1-40 is chocolate brown in color and is a free-flowing liquid at ambient temperature.

This product is water-based, ready to use, and conform to the requirements of BS 434: Part 1 and are applied in accordance with BS434:Part 2. In accordance with these standards, this product is denoted by the prefix ‘K’ signifying a cationic emulsion. The ‘1’ signifies a rapid breaking type of emulsion, while the number to the right of the hyphen indicates the bitumen content. Therefore K1-40 denotes rapid break, cationic emulsion with 40% normal bitumen content.

Uses: K1-40 is primarily used as a tack coat, to provide a bond between the existing surface and overlays e.g hot rolled asphalt, macadam, and slurry seals, or between courses in road construction. It serves two purposes in this instance:

  1. Minimising the risk of spillage between the two courses.
  2. Ensuring that during the laying of the new overlay, pushing and sliding are reduced, resulting in improved compaction.
    K1-40 is also used in mist spraying and concrete curing operations.
    K1-60, because of its higher bitumen content, is generally used for surface dressing, patching, retread, and other similar applications

Applications Of Cationic Bitumen Emulsion K1-40

Laira Group Bitumen Emulsion K1-40 is a cold applied rapid-acting 40% cationic bitumen emulsion. When cured K1-40 forms a thin but uniform film of bitumen on the road surface which gives an adhesive bond between a bituminous overlay and an existing surface. For best results, tack coating is strongly recommended when performing such tasks as overlaying with hot rolled asphalt, macadam or when patching or carrying out inlaid work.

K1-40 adheres exceptionally well, even in damp conditions. The overlay is held securely in place and the entry of water between road pavement courses is hindered. K1-40 may be used as a tack coat in special cases where night construction or high humidity exists.

Tack Coat K1-40 cationic bitumen emulsion can be used at ambient temperature at the spray rate of 0.25 to 0.70 liter per square meter (0.05 to 0.15 gallon per square yard).

All surfaces must be dry and free from dust, oil, grease, fuel spillage, mud, leaves, etc. In hot weather, it may be advisable to dampen the surface with water in order to retard the loss of water from the emulsion as it cures and to ensure better wetting of the surface by the emulsion. It is essential that the surface is free of standing water prior to and during application.

Asphalt Emulsion K1-40 must only be applied in dry, frost-free conditions which will remain throughout the film drying period. Temperatures of between 5°C and 35°C should prevail.
Before application drums should be well rolled to agitate contents before use. Cationic emulsions should be applied by brushing with hand broom or squeegee. Spread in one direction only and avoid scrubbing often. It is more practical to apply by spray as this provides a uniform distribution and even film. Spray equipment should conform to BS3136: Specification for Cold Emulsion Spraying Machines for Roads. Spray evenly to avoid ponding in hollows as this may cause localised “fatting up” of the subsequent courses.


  • Use without diluting Bitumen Emulsion with water
  • Use at ambient temperature
  • Roll the Bitumen Emulsion drums to and fro motion at a distance of minimum 5 meter

Safety and Handling Of Cationic Bitumen Emulsion K1-40

  • Contains petroleum distillate; flammable: keep away from open fire, sparks, or other ignition sources; wear protective clothing, gloves, and goggles.
  • Fire flammable when wet, flash point 40°C.
  • Skin –avoid repeated or prolonged contact, if occurs remove with hand cleaner that removes oil or grease, then clean with soap and water.
  • Eyes contact could cause irritation, if contact occurs flush immediately with clean water Inhalation can cause dizziness, move immediately in fresh air if dizzy, and if breathing difficulty persists administer oxygen.

General Precautions

Do not mix with anionic emulsions or with cationic emulsion from other manufacturers as this may cause co-agulation. This is particularly critical when spraying. If changing grade the following procedure should be followed:

  1. Drain spraying equipment completely.
  2. Flush the machine (including the spray lance) by continuous circulation of kerosene.
  3. Pump the waste solution into a waste receptacle and drain completely. Dispose of in accordance with regulations. Breaks in spraying should be accompanied by periodic flushing of the lance with kerosene. At the end of each working period, it is good practice to empty completely the contents of the container, flush with Kerosene by continuous circulation and then drain.

Advantage of Cationic Bitumen Emulsion K1-40

At the following you can find some advantages of this product:

  • Environment friendly
  • No heating required
  • Cost-efficient
  • Easy and uniform spray
  • Low-temperature curing, fast setting time
  • High adhesive properties
  • Prevents slippage of structural layers

Packing of Cationic Bitumen Emulsion K1-40

  • Bulk as IBC Tank, FlexiTank
  • Reconditioned steel drums 220 lit., Net Weight: 200 ± 3 Kg
  • New steel drums 220 lit., Net Weight: 200 ± 3 Kg

Bitumen Emulsion K1-60

Bitumen Emulsion K1-60 cationic bitumen emulsion is an emulsified asphalt containing minimum 57 % bitumen. It is a medium viscosity emulsion. Emulsion K1- 60 bitumen emulsion can also be used in grouting. K1-60 cationic bitumen emulsion is made according to KS 02-769: 1990 standard.

Bitumen Emulsion K1-60 are cold applied, liquid bitumen emulsions, used in the construction and repair of pavements, driveways, roads, and highways. In accordance with these standards, This product is denoted by the prefix ‘K’ signifying a cationic emulsion. The ‘1’ signifies a rapid breaking type of emulsion, while the number to the right of the hyphen indicates the bitumen content. Therefore K1-60 denotes rapid break, cationic emulsion with 57% normal bitumen content.


Cationic Bitumen Emulsion K1-60 Applications

Bitumen Emulsion K1-60 is primarily used as a tack coat, to provide a bond between the existing surface
and overlays e.g hot rolled asphalt, macadam and slurry seals, or between courses in road construction.

It serves two purposes in this instance:-
1. Minimizing the risk of spillage between the two courses.
2. Ensuring that during laying of the new overlay, pushing and sliding are reduced, resulting in improved compaction.

Bitumen Emulsion K1-60, because of its higher bitumen content, is generally used for surface dressing, patching, retread, and other similar applications.

Treatments and seals:

  • Single surface treatment
  • Multiple surface treatment
  • Sand seal

Penetration macadam

  • Small voids

* K1-60 may be used as a tack coat in special cases where night construction or high humidity exists.

Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry. Emulsions are less hazardous to use and can be applied in a wider range of conditions.

Application Conditions of Cationic Emulsion Bitumen K1-60

Emulsion Bitumen K1-60 cationic bitumen emulsion can be used at the ambient temperature at the spray rate of 0.25 to 0.70 litre per square meter (0.05 to 0.15 gallon per square yard).

This grade must only be applied in dry, frost-free conditions which will remain throughout the film drying period. Temperatures of between 5°C and 35°C should prevail.

Before application drums should be well rolled to agitate contents before use. Cationic emulsions should be applied by brushing with hand broom or squeegee. Spread in one direction only and avoid scrubbing often. It is more practical to apply by spray as this provides a uniform distribution and even film. Spray equipment should conform to BS3136: Specification for Cold Emulsion Spraying Machines for Roads.
Spray evenly to avoid pounding in hollows as this may cause localized “fatting up” of the subsequent courses.


All surfaces must be dry and free from dust, oil, grease, fuel spillage, mud, leaves, etc. In hot weather, it may be advisable to dampen the surface with water in order to retard the loss of water from the emulsion as it cures and to ensure better wetting of the surface by the emulsion. It is essential that the surface is free of standing water prior to and during application.

K1-60 Packing

Bitumen Emulsion K1-60 is available in:

  • Bulk as IBC Tank, Flexi Tank
  • Reconditioned steel drums 200 lit.
  • New steel drums 200 lit.

Cationic Bitumen Emulsion K1-60 Specfications

No Property Result
1 Particle charge Pos.
2 Residue on 710 um KS sieve (%)(m/m), maximum 0.05
3 Residue on 150 um KS sieve (g per 100 mL), maximum 0.15
4 Binder content (%)(m/m), minimum 57
5 Viscosity (degrees Engler (°E) at 20°C 6-9
6 Viscosity redwood No. II (s at 85°C)
7 Storage stability (long period test) % water content difference, maximum 2

Bitumen Emulsion K1-70

Bitumen Emulsion is made up of three basic ingredients which include Bitumen, an emulsifying agent and water. Cationic Bitumen Emulsion K1-70 containing minimum 67% bitumen, is commonly used for Tack-Coating. It is a medium viscosity cationic rapid-set bitumen emulsion used mainly for tack coating in normal overlay and patching work. Bitumen K1- 70 bitumen emulsion can also be used in grouting. bitumen Emulsion K1-70 cationic bitumen emulsion is made according to KS 02-769: 1990 standard.

bitumen Emulsion is made up of three basic ingredients which include Bitumen, an emulsifying agent and water. Bitumen Emulsion K1-70 containing minimum 67% Bitumen, is commonly used for Tack-Coating. It is a medium viscosity emulsion used mainly for tack coating in normal overlay and patching work. Tack Coat K1- 60 bitumen emulsion can also be used in grouting. Tack coat K1-70 is made according to Malaysian Standard, MS 1.61 (1994).

K1-70 Applications

Treatments and seals:

  • Single surface treatment
  • Multiple surface treatment
  • Sand seal

Penetration macadam

  • Small voids



* K1-70 may be used as a tack coat in special cases where night construction or high humidity exists.

Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry. Emulsions are less hazardous to use and can be applied in a wider range of conditions.

Emulsion Bitumen K1-70 cationic bitumen emulsion can be used at the ambient temperature at the spray rate of 0.25 to 0.70 litre per square meter (0.05 to 0.15 gallon per square yard)

K1-70 Packing

Bitumen Emulsion K1-70 is available in:

  • Bulk as IBC Tank, Flexi Tank
  • Reconditioned steel drums 200 lit.
  • New steel drums 200 lit.

Cationic Bitumen Emulsion K1-70 Specification

No Property Result
1 Particle charge Pos.
2 Residue on 710 um KS sieve (%)(m/m), maximum
3 Residue on 150 um KS sieve (g per 100 mL), maximum
4 Binder content (%)(m/m), minimum 67
5 Viscosity (degrees Engler (°E) at 20°C
6 Viscosity redwood No. II (s at 85°C) 25-35
7 Storage stability (long period test) % water content difference, maximum

Bitumen Emulsion CMS-2

Laira Group Bitumen Emulsion CMS-2 is a cationic medium setting bitumen emulsion that contains a minimum of 65% bitumen, is black in color, and is manufactured strictly as per ASTM D 2397M-13 standard. Asphalt Emulsion CMS-2 is a specially designed water-based Bitumen Emulsion with moderate viscosity and setting time.
This makes it a perfect product for premixing applications. It is chocolate brown in color and is a free-flowing liquid at ambient temperature.

CMS-2 is a medium-setting cationic asphalt emulsion that reacts quickly with the aggregate to convert from an emulsion to asphalt.
Asphalt emulsions are classified according to the electric charge that surrounds the emulsion’s asphalt particles (i.e. whether it is a cationic or an anionic emulsion) and how quickly the suspended asphalt particles separate from the surrounding water (“breaking”). A medium-setting emulsion is one that will break moderately fast when in contact with aggregate.

Bitumen Emulsion CMS-2 can be used for chip sealing when using dirtier aggregate. However, because it is medium-setting, traffic control may have to be adjusted. The setting speed of any emulsion is relative to atmospheric conditions at the time of construction.

Application of Bitumen Emulsion CMS-2

CMS-2 cures quickly and produces a heavy asphalt film. Its high viscosity permits higher application rates without the danger of runoff. This emulsion is ideal for spray applications such as single or multiple chip seals

Laira Group Bitumen Emulsion CMS-2 is ideally suited for Patch Repairing & Pot Hole Repairing. You will see more information about the applications of this product below:

01.Blow off water and debris from the pothole.
02.Cut to rectangular shapes with all sides vertical
03.Remove loose material, if any
04.Spray tack coat of asphalt emulsion on all the side and bottom
05.Mix prepared clean (preferably washed) and dry aggregates with HPCPL MS cationic bitumen emulsion.
06.Typically, 13.2 mm and 11.2 mm sized aggregates mixed in a 2:1 ratio
07.HPCPL MS cationic bitumen emulsion content of approximately 7% by weight of aggregates works best.
08.Mix aggregates and emulsion properly to ensure good and uniform coating.
09.Mix till the entire emulsion is broken (turn to black in color).
10.Fill the premix immediately into the pothole up to a level slightly higher than the adjoining road surface and roll properly.
11.Open the repaired pothole to traffic as soon as workers and equipment are clear.
12.For economical and fast construction of wearing course, the emulsion is used for Premix Carpet.

Application Guidelines

Clean/prepare pavement surface prior to application.
Do not apply if precipitation is anticipated.
Contact with Laira Group Marketing representative for application temperature guidelines.

Designs should be formulated prior to initial production and each time aggregate sources are changed. Testing of the final product is highly recommended to ensure a quality seal. Laira Group Technical Services offers complete design services and product quality analysis.


Spray patching consists of alternate applications of CMS-2 and aggregate to repair deteriorated areas in the pavement surface. Alternating layers of CMS-2 and aggregate may also be used to repair depressions in the road due to rutting or ravelling. Excellent adhesion means longer-lasting repairs.


A controlled application of CMS-2 asphalt emulsion to a prepared surface followed by a controlled application of cover aggregate (per lift). Aggregates should be single-sized, washed chip with sizes ranging from 6 mm (¼ in) to 19 mm (¾ in). CMS-2 provides durable, longer-lasting surface treatments with increased resistance to rutting and low-temperature cracking.

Storage and Handling CMS-2

01.CMS-2 should be stored in bulk tanks, ideally vertical to minimize surface area
02.Do not allow CMS-2 to either freeze or boil: it will break. Safe storage temperatures range from 10°C (50°F) to 85°C (185°F).
03.In bulk storage, mix the CMS-2 every 1 to 2 weeks (more frequently in cold weather). Mixing may be done by paddle agitator (slow), loose gear pump, slow centrifugal pump, or          another suitable low shear pump.
04.Do not bubble air through CMS-2 to agitate it: this creates excessive foam and may cause the CMS-2 to break
05.Always use clean storage containers. Make sure prior contents are compatible with CMS-2 or the emulsion may break
06.Only use approved and sealed containers for sampling the emulsion.

Advantage of Asphalt Emulsion CSS-1h

At the following you can find some advantages of this product:

01.No heating required thus eco-friendly
02.Cost and energy-efficient
03.Easy and even mixing
04.Low-temperature curing
05.Minimum preparation time for surface repair
06.High adhesive properties
07.Firm patch
08.Resistant to the stripping of water
09.Bonds well with cool, damp surfaces.

Packing of Asphalt Emulsion CMS-2

Laira Group Bitumen Emulsion CMS-2 is available in:

Bulk as IBC Tank, FlexiTank
Reconditioned steel drums 220 lit., Net Weight: 200 ± 3 Kg
New steel drums 220 lit., Net Weight: 200 ± 3 Kg

Product Support

With the Laira Group Advantage, you get a partner and advisor who will consult with you about designs, specifications, technical services, processes, and material selection. By developing innovative, custom-designed products that offer additional benefits such as peak performance in unique conditions, improved field performance, and greater environmental and health benefits, the Laira Group Advantage provides significant long-term cost savings, resulting in a lower total cost of ownership.

Each lot of CMS-2 is produced using the strictest quality, safety, and environmental guidelines. Each production lot is tested to ensure it meets or exceeds all performance requirements and is delivered with a Certificate of Analysis.

Bitumen Emulsion CMS-2H

Bitumen emulsion consists of three basic ingredients: bitumen, water, and an emulsifying agent. Based on specifications it may contain other additives, such as stabilizers, coating improvers, anti-strips, or break control agents. It is well known that water and asphalt will not mix, except under carefully controlled conditions using highly specialized equipment and chemical additives.

Cationic Bitumen Emulsion CMS-2h
  is a  cationic emulsion. Bitumen emulsion CMS-2h are usually made by passing the mixture of hot bitumen and water phase between a rotating disc, cone or wheel and a stator. In the emulsification process, the hot binder is mechanically separated into minute globules and dispersed in water treated with a small quantity of emulsifying agent. The water is called the continuous phase and the globules of the binder are called the discontinuous phase by proper selection of an emulsifying agent and other manufacturing controls.

Cationic bitumen emulsions CMS-2h  have a positive charge and hence a direct and very rapid reaction between the emulsion and an aggregate or pavement is possible. The size of the charge or the Zeta potential affects stability, the larger the charge the greater the repulsion, but as the aggregate is negatively charged the higher the zeta potential the more rapid the reaction.
So it is possible to stabilize a cationic emulsion in the same way that makes it a more rapid break. The other mechanism of evaporation is available too but as the emulsion is stabilized this form of break becomes slower. Thus a balance must be struck. After the electrostatic part of the reaction is complete the emulsion will rely on flocculation and coalescence to complete break.
After the break is completed the water must still be completely evaporated for the residual Asphalt to achieve full strength.



Bitumen Emulsion CMS-2h Applications

Cationic emulsions may be used at ambient temperatures with aggregates, which need not be completely dry. Emulsions are less hazardous to use in comparing with the cutback and can be applied in a wider range of conditions. Most CMS-2h applications are listed below:

  • Biturubber (Rubber)
  • Bitumalch (Malching)
  • Prepared cold Mixed Asphalt
  • Bituprime (Prime Coat)
  • Bitucoat (Fog Seal – Seal Coat)

Successful performance of bitumen emulsions requires selecting the proper type and grade for the intended use. Guidelines presented in this chapter should help select the specific grade and type of emulsion to be used.
The first consideration in picking the right type and grade of the emulsion is how the emulsion will be used. Is it for a planned mix (central or mixed-in-place), a recycled mix, or a prime coat application? Is it for some type of surface application, such as a fog seal, slurry seal , micro surfacing, or chip seal? Is it for a maintenance mix? Once this decision is made, other project variables must then be considered. Some other factors that affect the selection are:

• Climatic conditions anticipated during construction. The choice of emulsion grade, the design of mix or treatment, and the selection of construction equipment should be dictated by the conditions at the time of construction.
• Aggregate type, gradation, and availability.
• Contractor or construction equipment availability.
• Geographical location. The hauling distance and, in some cases, water availability are important considerations.

the hauling distance and, in some cases, water availability are important considerations.
• Traffic control. Can traffic be detoured or only controlled through the work area?
• Environmental considerations.
• Proper application for pavement preservation or pavement distresses.
• Traffic type and volume .

While general guidelines can be given for selecting emulsions, laboratory testing is strongly recommended. There is no substitute for a laboratory evaluation of the emulsion and the aggregate to be used. Different types and quantities of emulsion should be tried with the aggregate to find the best combination for the intended use. An experienced technician can determine the type and grade of the emulsion to be used.
Cationic emulsions are preferred for use with negatively charged siliceous aggregates such as quartz, granite, sandstone and river gravel. In general, Cationic emulsions can be used with a wider range of aggregates, will tolerate greater quantities of moisture, and will break at a lower ambient temperature. The main application areas of Emulsion bitumen are surface dressing, tack coats, prime coat, slurry seal, and cold mixing.

Dust control (SS-1, CS-1, CRS-1)
Tack coat (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h, CRS-1)
Prime coat (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS -1, CSS-1h)
Fog seal (SS-1, CSS-1, MS-1-CMS-2, CRS-1)
Penetration prime (SS-1)
Cold mix asphalt, Mulching, Asphalt Sealers (CSS-1)
Chip seal, single, or multiple treatments (RS-1, RS-2, HFMS-1, HFMS-2, HFRS-2, CRS-2, and CRS-2P)
Sand seal (SS-1, SS-1h, CSS -1, CSS-1h, CMS-2s, CRS-1, CRS-2)
Slurry seal (SS-1h, CSS-1h, CSS-1Hp)
Sandwich seal, cape seal, chip seal (CR-2)
Micro surfacing ( CQS-1h)
Structural and surface plant mixture (SS-1, SS-1h, HFMS-2s, CSS-1, CSS-1h,)
Stockpiled patching mixture (HFMS-2s, CMS-2s)
In-place road mixing (SS-1, SS-1h, HFMS-2s, HFMS-2, HFMS-2h CMS-2, CMS-2h, CSS-1, CSS-1h)
Crack filler, joint coating (RS-2 , HFMS-2h, MS-2, CMS-2h, CRS-2P)
Asphalt sealers, Immediate Maintenance, Stockpile Maintenance Mixes (CMS-2)
Immediate Maintenance (CM2, CM2h)

CMS-2h Advantages

• No petroleum solvent required to liquefy
• Little or no hydrocarbon emissions
• Because of low viscosity of the Emulsion as compared to hot applied Bitumen, The Emulsion has a good penetration and spreading capacity.
• In most cases, used with no additional heat. It Does not need any pre-heating. Thus results in the case of handling for the user, besides saving in cost.
• The ability to coat damp aggregate
• Can use cold materials at remote sites. Cold application of Bitumen Emulsion ensures safety to the workforce ; it is a user-friendly product. Being cold applied the work progresses much faster.
• Wide variety of emulsion types available today
• Economical
• Free from danger (for fire)
• Environmental
• Harmless for worker health.
• It can use with moisture aggregates. It can be used even with wet aggregates thus enabling users to carry out work during the monsoon also.
• Application temperature is low and does not need heating while storage and transportation period. For this reason, it provides energy saving.
• Emulgators increase adhesion they effect as anti-stripping agent
• It can use in four seasons. Especially it gives a chance application in the rainy region and it extends application period.
• It has a lot of application area and construction methods.
•  Bitumen Emulsion does not require petroleum solvent to make them liquid as in cut back and also it is not required to be heated like normal Bitumen. Thus saving imported petroleum oil or firewood.
• Toxic fumes (Hydrocarbon emission) normally emitted from heated bitumen & cutbacks not present when Cationic Bitumen Emulsion is used, as no heating is required for its application.
• Energy saving & control of pollution & safety:
During the last 10-12 yrs., the country was in the quest for alternatives to Hot Mixing technology especially to save our beleaguered environment besides curbing the use of Imported petroleum oil, and our precious forests supplying firewood. Optimum use of Bitumen-emulsions can preserve Petroleum Oil and in turn, save our Environment and Foreign Exchange.s application.

Do You Know?

An interesting fact about cationic bitumen is that its positive charge plays a crucial role in its stability and application. The positively charged bitumen droplets repel each other, preventing coalescence and ensuring the emulsion remains intact. This electrostatic repulsion helps maintain the dispersion of bitumen in water, allowing for better mixing and coating of aggregates during road construction. Cationic bitumen's ability to form stable emulsions enhances the durability and performance of asphalt pavements, making it a valuable material in the construction industry.

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